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Bureau of Reclamation Reauthorization Bill - Senator Rounds, South Dakota


Arizona DWIDS:

The attached bill is legislation recently introduced by South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds and co-sponsored by Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar. This bill, which was introduced a couple of weeks ago, aims to give the Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) the authorization to participate in and provide cost shares for feasibility studies.

Key points of the bill:

It does not appropriate any new funding, but allows BoR to use its existing program funding to participate in feasibility studies it deems worthy, eliminating the need for separate congressional authorization.
Under the new bill, this authority, which BoR held from 2006 to 2016, would be restored for eight years.

This Bill would include Arizona

Attached is the bill’s language and the resolution of support from the SDARWS board, which was approved last week. 


rural_water_reauthorization.pdfSDARWS Board Resolution 06202024.pdf